DEI Training

SCCMHA Operating Principle: Racial & Cultural Competency

  • We affirm the existence and long history of Institutional and Systemic Racism.
  • We affirm our commitment to racial and cultural equity for staff members that are Black and Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) as well as to all LGBTQ+ and members with disabilities and strive to be a positive example to the community.
  • We acknowledge that everyone has implicit biases about others with different racial and cultural backgrounds. We will provide training opportunities to educate everyone about Implicit Bias and provide strategies to understand how these biases effect attitudes and behavior that in turn impacts those we serve, their access to service and their service outcomes.
  • We expect baseline cultural and racial competencies across all network staff members and all agency leadership and will hold ourselves accountable to the demonstration of such competencies.
  • We will codify our commitments to racial and cultural competency in all work that we do, including agency policies, strategic planning and service and project implementation and evaluation.
  • We will work to improve both the retention of and promotional pathways for BIPOC, LGBTQ+ and individuals with disabilities as staff members to grow a more diverse workforce at all levels of the organization. 
  • We will define key metrics to track our progress and publish the results both internally and externally. 

SCCMHA continues to move forward with commitment to racial and cultural competency in all the work we do along with the expectation of baseline cultural and racial competencies across all network staff members and all agency leadership.  

  • This training is only for those who have NOT yet completed DEI training, see training report
  • DEI 101 training is available to be completed online, in a self-led format.

Directions for Completing DEI Training

  1. Link to training:
  2. Staff who have not completed DEI training will need to create a new account.
    1. Users can follow the directions for creating an account, enrolling in courses, and anything else they need using the Public LMS Guide
  3. The course to enroll in is titled: SCCMHA DEI 101. They can use the search field with any portion of the title (for example just “DEI”) to find it.
  4. The course does not require a password in order to enroll, so as soon as they click the Enroll button, they will be able to take the course.
  5. Training can be paused at any time and your spot will be saved to return for completion.
  6. Questions not answered by the guide or any support needs can be sent to
  7. Once you have completed and passed the quiz, SCCMHA will automatically credit your training record. There is no further action needed from you.