Resource Library
At SCCMHA, we are dedicated to providing our consumers with the most current and relevant information available.
We have compiled a resource library of various links and sources to assist you in any research.
AFC Services
The Saginaw County Community Licensed Residential Provider Directory is a directory published by SCCMHA and is a resource to persons with special needs who are seeking local Adult Foster Care (AFC) services.
The Saginaw County Community Counseling Directory is a resource provided by SCCMHA for locating marriage and family therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, treatment programs, support groups, self-help groups and advocacy organizations dedicated to providing servics for a broad range of mental health issues and substance use disorders.
Michigan 2-1-1
2-1-1 connects people in Michigan counties with health and human services including employment, education, financial support, food and other community services. To get connected, dial 211 on your phone or text your zip code to TXT211. More information can be found on the 2-1-1 website.
Public Libraries of Saginaw
The library is a great place for a community to come together and enjoy the wonderful world of books.
Saginaw Arts & Enrichment Commission
Since the Commission’s inception in 1986, its programs and art advocacy have grown yet its mission remains clear… to support and champion arts and culture in our community.
Saginaw County Community Action Center
Our mission is to serve as a proactive and dedicated community organization providing programs and services to low-income individuals and families helping them to achieve economic security.
SCCMHA Learning Links
Learning Links is a program by SCCMHA to provide educational opportunities for Saginaw County residents. Anyone is welcome to join the programs, but topics are generally related to people served by SCCMHA. Topics include arts & crafts, healthy activities & eating, survival & self defense, wellness & recovery, seasonal activities, mental health awareness, and first aid/CPR training. The Learning Links program has been a valuable part of the SCCMHA experience since 1998. The Learning Links programs are usually held at the Andersen Enrichment Center, 120 Ezra Rust Dr., Saginaw and they are on the 4th Tuesday of every month at 10:00 a.m. At times, the subject has to be changed due to the availability of the presenters, so you might want to call ahead of time to make sure you know what the topic is going to be. For questions about Learning Links or to be added to the mailing list, please contact Customer Service at (989) 797-3452 or Toll Free 1-800-258-8678.
Saginaw County Chamber of Commerce- Community Events
The Chamber's Community Events page hosts a list of member sponsored events in the Saginaw County community. These are events for individuals, children, and families.
Saginaw County Community Resource Guide
The Saginaw County Community Resource Guide is a comprehensive directory of community resources for families and service providers in the Saginaw County Area.
Saginaw County Health Department Resources
Saginaw County Health Department's goal is to protect, preserve, and promote the public's health and the environment. As a result, they have developed a vast set of resources to help the Saginaw County community have access to information pertaining to community health.
Saginaw County Hoarding Task Force
The Saginaw County Hoarding Task Force is a partnership of local public and private agencies whose purpose is to collaboratively seek to raise public awareness of hoarding and to preserve safe and appropriate housing by development and utilization of tools, best practices and early intervention strategies.
A Saginaw Area Transportation Resources guide was developed by SCCMHA to assist you with arranging transportation for your physical and mental health-related appointments, as well as for your general transportation needs.
Service Brochure
A guide to our services. Saginaw County Community Mental Health (SCCMHA) is a local, independent, governmental unit serving the greater Saginaw County area, a Community Mental Health Services Program and has been a mental health authority under contract with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services since October 1, 1997.
Customer Service Handbook (English)
Customer Service Handbook (Spanish)
Ability to Pay - Sliding Fee Discount Program
If you are not currently enrolled in Medicaid or Healthy Michigan, the Sliding Fee Scale may give you a discount on services at Saginaw Community Mental Health Authority.
Evidence- Based Practices (EBP) is a clinical intervention that has a strong rooted scientific foundation and produces consistent results in assisting consumers in achieving their desired goals and outcomes when implemented to fidelity. An evidence-based practice is comprised of three components- the highest level of scientific evidence; the clinical expertise of the practitioner; and the choices, values and goals of the consumer.
Working Together to Make the Mental Health Code Work
Chapter 4: Civil Admission & Discharge Procedures for Adult Individuals with Mental Illness, A Community Approach in Saginaw, Michigan
Michigan Department of Health & Human Services
The Michigan Department of Health & Human Services can help you and your family with temporary assistance when times are tough.
Michigan Medicaid Provider Manual
The electronic Michigan Medicaid Provider Manual contains coverage, billing, and reimbursement policies for Medicaid, Children's Special Health Care Services, Adult Benefits Waiver, Maternity Outpatient Medical Services (MOMS), and other healthcare programs administered by the Department of Community Health.
Medicaid is a federal and state funded health care program that provides comprehensive health care coverage for the medically indigent. This page supplies coverage, billing and reimbursement policies and other important information for enrolled providers. Much of the information provided also applies to other health care programs administered by MDCH (e.g., Healthy Michigan Plan, MOMS, Plan First!, Children's Special Health Care Services, etc.)
The State of Michigan MI Bridges online Medicaid application system.
Accessing Services
Accessing Substance Use Services
Behavioral Health Mediation Services Program
Coordination of Care
Customer Service
Emergency and After-Hours Access to Services
Grievances and Appeals Process
Language Assistance, Accessibility, and Accomodations
Local Provider Directory
Mid-State Health Network (MSHN)
Non-Medicaid Consumer Protections
Person-Centered Planning, Advanced Directives, Crisis Planning, and Self-Determination
Reporting Fraud, Waste and Abuse
Second Opinion, Benefit Continuation
State Medicaid Fair Hearing
ABLE National Resource Center (ANRC)
The ABLE National Resource Center (ANRC) is a collaborative whose supporters share the goal of accelerating the design and availability of ABLE accounts for the benefit of individuals with disabilities and their families. We bring together the investment, support and resources of the country’s largest and most influential national disability organizations.
Americans with Disabilities Act Frequently Asked Questions
The Americans with Disabilities Act became law in 1990 and is a civil rights law to prohibit discrimination against individuals with disabilies in all areas of public life.
Guide for Online Colleges & Disabilities
Though the end result takes many different forms, the ultimate goal for people in achieving higher education is growth, opportunity, and fulfilling their potential, either personally or professionally. More so than just the obligatory placement tests and final examinations, college is about testing yourself. It’s about pushing past limits, not being bound or defined by them. No one understands that mentality more than those living with a physical or cognitive disability.
MiABLE Program
The Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) program was created to encourage and assist individuals and families in saving funds for the purpose of supporting individuals with disabilities to maintain health, independence and quality of life; and to provide secure funding for qualified disability expenses on behalf of designated beneficiaries with disabilities that will supplement, but not supplant, benefits provided through private insurance, the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program, the Medicaid program, the beneficiary’s employment and other sources. The federal ABLE Act was signed into law in December 2014. The Michigan ABLE (MiABLE) was signed into law in October 2015. The Michigan Department of Treasury will administer the MiABLE program. Michigan citizens are free to open an ABLE account in states other than Michigan. The ABLE National Resource Center is available for more information.
Michigan Developmental Disabilities Council's Empowerment Fund
The Michigan Developmental Disabilities Council’s Empowerment Fund will provide money to support people with an intellectual disability or developmental disability (I/DD) and family members to attend conferences, seminars and training to gain access to opportunities, experiences, resources and information, to actively participate in decisions that impact them personally.
This is a reimbursement process for individuals with I/DD and their family members to receive money for expenses for seminars conferences and trainings designed to improve their knowledge, networking and skill levels for advocacy; and that are consistent with the DD Council’s values of helping people with I/DD and their families to take control of their lives, be fully included in their communities and exercise their rights as a full citizens to hold systems accountable to them. This money is to be used to help offset the cost to the person or family to attend the event.
Resources for the Deaf, Deaf-Blind, & Hard of Hearing
National Center for PTSD
PTSD is a mental health problem that some people develop after experiencing or witnessing a life-threatening or traumatic event. If symptoms last more than a few months, it may be PTSD. The good news is that there are effective treatments.
Call 988 then press 1. If you're a Veteran in crisis or concerned about one, the Veterans Crisis Line is a free, confidential resource that connects you to a real person specially trained to support Veterans.
In 2016, the State of Michigan created the Veteran and Military Family Navigator Program to assist the more than 634,000 veterans living in the state and family members. The first service of this type in the nation, it works to identify, connect and engage them to mental health, substance use and other community resources.
Need Help? Call Us!
If you or someone you care about is thinking about suicide, please call us. We are here 24 hours a day, 7 days weekly at these numbers:
- Call or text 9-8-8 (National 9-8-8 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline)
- Local Saginaw Crisis 989-792-9732 (Michigan)
- Local Toll Free 1-800-233-0022
- TDD/TTY Line (989) 797-3460
- For veterans in an emotional crisis please call or text 9-8-8 and ask for special VA assistance
About the Warning Signs
There is no typical suicide victim. It happens to young and old, rich and poor. Fortunately there are some common warning signs that, when acted upon, can save lives.
American Association of Suicidology
American Association of Suicidology (AAS) is the nation’s largest and oldest suicide prevention membership organization and charitable 501(c)3. As a membership-based organization that aims to support its members in their knowledge and best practices in the field. In addition to offering insight into the latest trends, issues, and opportunities of our diverse members. People of all ages, races, genders, ethnicities, and more are impacted by suicide every day. Our goal is not to eradicate suicide, but through impact, one by one, the lives of those who are or may yet be suicidal.
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Established in 1987, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) is a voluntary health organization that gives those affected by suicide a nationwide community empowered by research, education and advocacy to take action against this leading cause of death.
Become an Advocate for Suicide Prevention
Learn how you can become an advocate for suicide prevention. Together we can urge public officials at all levels of government to prioritize suicide prevention and mental health.
Children, Teens and Suicide Loss - Helpting Young Loss Survivors
This booklet discusses how to talk about suicide loss with children of all ages, teens and young adults to help them cope with the loss of someone to suicide.
Coalition of Clinician-Survivors (CCS)
The Coalition of Clinician Survivors exists to provide support, education, resources and consultation to mental health professionals and other professional caregivers who have experienced suicide losses in personal and/or professional contexts. We recognize that, regardless of whether the loss was of a loved one, a client/patient or a student, the repercussions are profound and are likely to impact a clinician both personally and professionally.
We can all help prevent suicide. The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.
Key Elements for the Implementation of Comprehensive Community-Based Suicide Prevention
The National Strategy for Suicide Prevention (National Strategy) emphasizes the important role that community-based programs and services can play in suicide prevention. However, many communities may need guidance on how to implement an effective suicide prevention effort.
Living with Suicide Loss & Finding Support
You are not alone. Suicide affects millions each year, and thanks to our donors and volunteers—many of whom are loss survivors themselves—we can provide these resources to help you heal.
A Manager's Guide to Postvention
This guide provides workplace leaders with clear action steps for suicide postvention, including immediate, short-term, and long-term responses to help employees cope with the aftermath of the traumatic event.
Mental Health First Aid
Saginaw County Community Mental Health Authority (SCCMHA) offers mental health first aid training. This training teaches suicide prevention and how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illness and substance use disorders.
Michigan Association for Suicide Prevention
When people face serious problems or emotional pain, they sometimes turn to thoughts of suicide. If you or someone you know is thinking of talking about suicide, take it seriously. You can help!
Statistics- U.S. & Michigan
Learn the latest published statistics on sucide from the Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), compare your state to national statistics and learn how to use those statistics to become an advocate for suicide prevention.
Suicide Awareness Voices of Education
SAVE was one of the nation’s first organizations dedicated to the prevention of suicide. Our work is based on the foundation and belief that suicide is preventable and everyone has a role to play in preventing suicide. Through raising public awareness, educating communities, and equipping every person with the right tools, we know we can SAVE lives.
Suicide Prevention Resource Center
Effective prevention requires multiple approaches, learn how each approach can help you implement effective suicide prevention.
Suicide Prevention: Resource for Action (CDC Prevention Resource)
The National Center for Injury Prevention and Control’s vision of “No lives lost to suicide” relies on implementing a comprehensive public health approach to prevention.
Suicide Risk & Prevention for LGBTQ
AFSP is focused on sharing and expanding suicide prevention strategies, programs, research initiatives, and public policies to prevent suicide in LGBTQ communities and supporting the mental health and wellbeing of LGBTQ people.
The Trevor Project- 2023 U.S. National Survey on the Mental Health of LGBTQ Young People
The Trevor Project’s 2023 U.S. National Survey on the Mental Health of LGBTQ Young People amplifies the experiences of more than 28,000 LGBTQ young people ages 13 to 24 across the United States. This survey gives a voice to LGBTQ young people — at a time when their existence is unfairly at the center of national political debates and state legislatures have introduced and implemented a record number of anti-LGBTQ policies.