As a part of the Mission Forward Grant from the Michigan Department of Civil Rights, persons served by SCCMHA were recently allowed the opportunity to attend “Connect, Protect and Serve Lunch,” a series of meetings with law enforcement officials in Saginaw County to express their needs for how police interact with individuals with disabilities.
Advocates and Leaders for Police and Community Trust (ALPACT) search for opportunities for law enforcement to meet with the public to help improve developing relationships with the citizens of Saginaw County. In addition, it helps law enforcement understand what the public needs to better serve the community at large.
In these meetings, law enforcement and persons served by SCCMHA alike both teach and learn from each other, challenging preconceived ideas and stigmas attached with mental illness and community policing.
At each stop, both groups were given surveys before meeting, answering questions regarding what they know about the other group going into the interactions.
After filling out the first survey, persons served gave presentations to law enforcement and discussed what needs should be met when it comes to police working with those who have disabilities. Conversely, police talk to and field questions from the attendees, educating persons served on law enforcement’s role in the community and how both groups can learn from each in emergency and crisis situations.
Upon the conclusion of the luncheon and meet and greet, persons served fill out a second survey asking their opinions on how they feel about interacting with police going forward. Police fill out surveys of their own, answering questions on their comfort level working with individuals with disabilities in the community, ensuring they feel they have the proper training and understanding on handling situations concerning someone with a disability.
Saginaw Police and SCCMHA scheduled five separate luncheons at SCCMHA locations:
- Transitional Age Youth
- Bayside Clubhouse
- Community Ties North (CTN)
- Community Ties South (CTS)
- Friends for Recovery
The luncheons were well-attended and presented great dialogue for both Saginaw Police and persons served by SCCMHA, hopefully leading to improved relationships with law enforcement and more trust between the two.
ALPACT plans on searching for more opportunities to for events through the Mission Forward Grant in the future.